Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Course Evaluation

The Course Evaluation Questionnaire (CEQ) is administered online to the students for all the courses taught at Sussex as soon as any course is completed.  It contains a set of quantitative University level, School level and Course level questions. There are seven University level questions and five each School level and Course level questions. The questions are set on a 1-5 scale – ranging from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’. It is the responsibility of the individual School to decide the dates for administering the CEQ. The School sets the CEQ in week 6-7 of the term; CEQ appears in Sussex Direct in week 8 for the students to complete and the convenors of the course/s encourage the students to complete by week 11. They also frequently check the response rate. The convenor prepares the report and submits it to the Head of the Department/ School for approval. Students’ responses to the CEQ are released in week 5 of the following term. The responses (average score, distribution of responses) to the University level questions are published on the website through Sussex Direct. The School communicates the responses to the School and course level questions to its colleagues and students’ representatives. The seven University level core questions are:
1. The course was well organised and ran smoothly.
2. The course matched my expectations; the content was in line with the course description.
3. Lecturers were good at explaining things.
4. Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not know.
5. Clear information about the assessment of this course and the marking criteria, was provided.
6. The learning resources for this course, including for example Study Direct, the Library and  any special equipment and facilities met my needs.
7. Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this course.
Similarly, the School level and Course level questions are set on teaching and learning, laboratory work, generic skills, goals and standards, assessment and feedback, e-learning resources, support and advice and learning resources.


  1. Hello sir,

    The core questions and scaling method of Evaluation sounds relevant and appropriate.What action plan a teacher is supposed to take with the score (high/low) they obtain?.


  2. Dear Dr. Sangeeta,
    If the score is high then, the University will permit to continue the course. The course convenor can also revise the course as per the suggestions.
