Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mathematics Projects at Level One.

The Department of Mathematics of Sussex University offers a course on “Mathematics Year 1 Projects”. This course has six credits at the first year (level 1) and is assessed by an essay for 100 marks. There are six contact hours though the course runs for ten weeks. The topics for essays are announced along with the list of books and on-line material to be referred .The students are given the introduction about this course in the first week. In sixth week the students are asked to submit the project report in typed form. They have to work in groups of 4-5 students. Though the students are working in groups the project report should be written individually by taking care of the University rule on plagiarism. The length of the essay should be 3,000-4,000 words. The students are expected to use “LaTeX” for typing the project report. They are instructed to download MiKTEX and Winshell. What I liked here is that the first year students are using math symbol and generating mathematical formulae by using software which is available free.


  1. sir
    can you get some topics for these projects?
    as you know we do similar thing for T.Y.
    I was just wondering what they do at level one.

  2. Please wait for your session on Mathematics.
